Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Hammer of Alphatia begins reconquering Norwold

Konda Ignacious, also known as the Hammer of Alphatia, has begun the subjugation of the the natives of Norwold. Leading a force of over 1,000 heavy cavalry, 500 horse archers and 200 light cavalry, Konda's forces have reportedly already conquered several rebellious wood elve tribes and driven a renegade dwarf clan completely underground while plundering much of the upper levels of their stronghold.

There are reports of additional heavy foot troops arriving from Alphatia to reinforce Konda's already substantial force. It is rumored that a steady supply of reinforcements can be expected and by the end of the year, Konda's forces will number over 5,000 and increasing to 10,000 by the end of next year. Some speculate that the Hammer of Alphatia will soon visit Oceansend if the city does not quickly accept Alphatian sovereignty. 

"The Dwarves and Elves are a Pox on the Western Lands (Norwold)," Konda told the Alphatian High Council. "My goal is to completely drive these foul vermin from the continent and to remove all threats to our new Western dominions."

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