Sunday, April 28, 2019

New Paladin Lord to arrive in Norwold?

There are rumors from the great halls of Deliverance and Chastity of a new Paladin Lord arriving soon in Norwold. The exact identity of the Lord is shrouded secrecy. The main point of speculation is the Paladin's Holy Order membership. Will Lord Mythas Bulga be joined by another member of The Castrametation? If this is to be the case, which Paladin will be subordinate? Surely, they could not be equals. It would be an even more interesting development if the new Paladin were to be of The Excoriation. Would this lead to an inter-order conflict within the new Norwold colonies?

The Order of the Holy Blade, The Excoriation, Purifiers:
The Excoriation is led by The Order of Holy Blade with the stated purpose of the destruction of Evil. The Holy Blade is the oldest Alphatian religious military order and predates the Righteous Tower by over 1,000 years. In the past few centuries, the Holy Blade has been surpassed by the Righteous Tower in membership and is now almost half the size of the younger order. However, the Knights of the Excoriation are still considered by most to be superior one-on-one to the Knights of The Castrametation.

The Most Holy Order of the Righteous Tower, The Castrametation, Guardians:
The ongoing rivalry and conflict between The Castrametation and The Excoriation has almost reached the point of open warfare. It seems unthinkable that two orders dedicated respectively to the destruction of evil and protection against evil could be in such opposition. This conflict reaches back to the schism within the Holy Blade which gave birth to the Righteous Tower. The Excoriation considers Guardians to be misguided and untrustworthy at best. At worst, the Excoriation considers Purifiers to be traitors requiring redemption through abscission. Meanwhile, Guardians consider Purifiers to be crazed with blood lust and fallen from grace. While the Excoriation is dedicated to the destruction of Evil, The Castemetation is dedicated to the protection of the righteous.

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