Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lord Veliko Declares for Unseen Forest and New Keep in Woodhaven

In a completely unexpected turn of events, Lord Veliko Yantra of Woodhaven has declared his membership in The Order of the Unseen Forest. As an auxiliary to The Order of the Holy Blade, The Order of the Unseen Forest has a long history of providing outriders and scouts for The Excoriation. Veliko's declaration is another shift in the balance of power in Norwold and it appears the Excoriation is now significantly stronger than the Castrametation on the continent.

Moondawn Keep was recently completed in the Barony of Woodhaven. Although more modest in size than the keeps in Deliverance and Chastity, Moondawn keep is well suited for Baron Yantra's manner of governing the Barony. The Baron prefers to spend most of his time in the scattered villages among the people of his realm rather than at the seat of the government. When manners of state require, Lord Veliko can be expected attending to business in the hall of Moondawn Keep.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Massacre on the water!

There are reports of a massacre on the colonization ship Tangara. Witnesses claim that while in route from Deliverance to Chastity several passengers began Lycanthropic transformations. Some claim those in the midst of transformation were promptly attacked by Mythas Bulga's soldiers. Others claim the soldiers were themselves attacked. Although most witnesses report that the Lycanthropes were exclusively Werebears, there were also several reports of Wererats and Werewolves. Over 70 soldiers were slain and all the Lycanthropes escaped. 11 peasants were believed to be killed by the soldiers, but none by the Lycanthropes. Bulga's soldiers claim some peasants may have assisted the Lycanthropes escape. It is estimated that there were 8-12 Lycanthropes. Bulga's second in command has promised an investigation.

Military Governor Lord Konda Ignacious Fallen?

Lord Konda Ignacious the Military Governor of Norwold has not been seen for several weeks and is rumored to have been assassinated. There are reportedly unofficial denials of any assassination of Konda, yet no explanations for his absence. Meanwhile, his forces have been divided among the other dominions of Norwold. 

A group of prominent merchants demanded answers from Lord Konda's close friend, the wizard Azi Hazami. When hard pressed on the question of Lord Konda's state, Azi Hazami turned one interrogator into a frog. After which, the group seemed satisfied and there where no further questions.

The people of Norwold can only hope for the well being of Lord Konda as he has proven a faithful and extremely effective protector of the citizenry.   

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Second Wave Arrives in Norwold

The second wave of colonists has arrived in Deliverance. Lord Corbo of Deliverance and Lady Bulga of Chastity were both present to welcome the fleet from Alphatia. The fleet consisted of the Ishmael, Tangara, Antos, Mugger's Fate, Blue and Mershun Eagle. The fleet reportedly transported to Norwold over 5,000 peasants, 800 dwarves and 60 knights with warhorses.

Upon arrival, the knights swore oaths of loyalty to Lord Corbo and in turn were given manors within the Barony of Deliverance. Meanwhile, Lady Bulga hastily redirected the Ishmael and Tangara, along with their 3,000 peasant passengers, to the Barony of Chastity.

Of the remaining 2,000 peasants, Lord Corbo has declared 1,000 to be his subjects with the remaining 1,000 free to be divided among the other Lords of Norwold.

The 800 dwarves, indifferent to human affairs, are preparing for the long march to the New Camp Koract.

In Deliverance, representatives of Lords Yantra, Varegar and Kaberblade all lodged formal complaints asking Lady Bulga to wait for a council meeting before taking the peasants to Chastity and for Lord Corbo to also refrain from declarations without council agreement. Both complaints were ignored.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Shrines of Norwold and NPC Monk Advancement

Level 0 monk applicants must train with a Master to attain level 1. Each month a Master may teach a maximum number of pupils equal to half his number of levels rounded up. After a full month of study, each student has the following chance of successfully attaining level 1. If unsuccessful, the student may continue learning another month if the Master is available.

Chance of success % = (Master's Level + Master's Wisdom + Master's Charisma)/2

Once a monk reaches level 1, he may train with the other monks and does not require special attention from the Master. Each month of training, adverturing or tending shrines/inns a monk has a chance of advancing a level up to level 10 (see table below).

Monk LevelMonthly Advance %

Saturday, May 4, 2019

New Keep in Chastity Completed!

The Barony of Chastity has recently completed an impressive keep on the edge of the initial fortified camp. The new home for the Baroness Mythas Bulga will also serve as the seat of power for The Righteous Tower in Norwold. If rumors are correct, the construction was hurriedly completed in anticipation of the pending arrival in Norwold of a yet unnamed temple master of The Excoriation. The keep is already equipped with ballistas and is expected to eventually have an extensive underground to house a large civilian population in times of need. Expansion plans are rumored that include curtain walls and tower complexes. The order is known for extravagant fortifications and it seems this is just the beginning in Norwold.